FMT Download

Before downloading or using the FMT, you must install QGIS on your system. Please see

The FMT is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3. Click here to read the full license text. You must assert that you have read, understood and agreed with the terms of this license before you can download. Please tick here to confirm that you have done this.

The downloaded file is called See the Installation page for further instructions on what to do once the file has download. Download size is approximately 40 kb.

Demonstration data

The demonstration data comprises three classified EO images from an area of Sweden about 14 x 21 km, centred at 15.61668E, 58.7866N, together with a vector file outlining the area of interest. These data can be used to run through the exercises suggested in the Users Guide. Download size is 932 kb.